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CB Psychics and Mediums Review of review: She a fake, she is using my name to get revenge she has scammed and diddle's people out of money.. 19

Author of the review
8:36 pm EDT
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This person is fake, she using my name as revenge because i took her group away from her on Facebook, to stop her using it as a platform to take money from people, conning them that the books she wrote, was her own work.. i fell for her lies, i thought she was being bullied by the pap group.. i stood up for her.. i even went as far as finding out all their names and addresses, even posted them to them to stop them attacking, but guess what in the hunt for the last pap member, i came across one of their group's, it was such a lovely page.. i still need to try and make the rosehip jam she mentioned..Mmm their wasn't one thing about raven, sobian, Rochelle on this site.. it was clicking links that brought me to the truth.. she did steal other people's work.. she was scamming hundreds of people.. she did set up a big event, taking money from people to attend.. people from all over the world had paid, got their plane tickets, and guess what.. she had never even organised it in the first place.. people called the place it was to be held to be told, the place knows nouthing of this woman, now she is at it again, saying she a medium.. she can talk to the dead.. what a load of [censored].. she checks your name out on Facebook and dribbles back to you what she sees. Her calls are 2.44e a minute.. she's a total fake. Now she's attaching herself to the travelling community, trying to tell them, pap are attacking her for setting up a travellers page, her new platform for conning people. yo sobian alot of pap are Travelers.. you ####ing din. I have reported you to the police for using my identity. Did you really think the bunnies would forget me.. i abused them badly because of you.. i found out where they worked and lived because of you.. because you played the victim saying they were attacking you.. did you really think they wouldn't or couldn't contact me.. a little message to her new henchmen​.. she will screw you over and blame everything on you when you start questioning and pull her on things.. i took her group on Facebook away from her, now how did i do it.. she got kicked of Facebook for being a ####.. so had to make a new account, only with this account, she could only be admin not creator. she was only admin.. after my nights and nights of searching, guarding her.. i sat in the dark, and after my anger towards the pap had faded slightly.. i thought to myself, there's no smoke without fire. So started in depth searching of raven, sobian, Rochelle, Bella Donna.. guess what i found.. she was a total fake.. i felt a right plonker.. so had to try and right it in some way.. so kicked her out of her own group, i changed the settings to secret and just kept the group. Some lovely people there.. but now after her bringing me back i to all this i have given the group to pap.. i really hope Lesley and bodica make it a NICE PLACE to be.. me i left the group.. it just wasn't right i only kept it out of spite.. i wanted her to see it and be pissed off every time.. oh yeah ##### i took your platform away didn't i.. so you think you can take revenge on me by using my identity.. well police will be all over you.. and i will be making everyone aware of you in your home town.. 31 traveller family's wanting pap names, well you hedge bottom creeper. They will be wanting your blood when they find out you scammed them.. how many grandfa have you said you brought messages from.. how many families have you controlled with you talk from. Dead people.. now jel down the towbar chavey, ya tooth's, en whites lines in ya hammer. Ya gammy buffer..

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Amazon IRS-Info
New York, US
Jan 11, 2024 11:10 am EST

joanne you run away all the time. You steal images which do not belong to you. You write about things you create yourself.

FYI check with legal and they will give you the name who really wrote the book by BRC

surprise surprise in their records which all payment for the BRC Guidebook were sent to

L Jackson

Ruthin Castle

Castle Street


North Wales

LL15 2NU

Date of Birth December 1953

Telephone [protected]

You know her well and search her under her guise of other names

Twitter: Finding Nemo

Facebook: Isadora Cole & Black Raven Coven Coco Houston & Poppy Wilde

Just a few of her any ego's.

You would think the woman would have learned her lesson and walked away years ago and it is probably the most interesting and longest lasting profile with whom she fooled many. Bustin’ Chops documents her own self! Continued to boost her own imagination further she blogged under Sehnga. You recall it well Joanne as you were almost her top stooge.

You should have read more carefully Joanne as her huge vocabulary which she loved to show off in all her blogs contained several words over & over again. Her main one in all above blogs written to none other than herself "OBFUSCATE" another of her favs is "GASLIGHTING" used in over 5 of her false names in order to cover up her own egotistical stalking nature. She created a whole “scandal” in her own mind, creating a profile called the Goblin, Lady Inanna Bluem The Librarian and The Gossip Witch.

No proof offered, just accusations, which are copied and pasted over and over and over again in a plethora of fake accounts penned by Cymraes - her blog now removed from Wordpress because she found out she was caught. The game was up and she could not refute amazon nor the TIN number from the American IRS.

We see Lesley begin her projection of her actions on other people in trying to gain her own followers. She has a “pretend name” so she projects that everyone trying to attack her is using pretend names. Even those who have legitimate names or legal pen names. She has many fake profiles that she uses to try to say she had members and supporters, all of which she created and runs: founder of "Pagans Against Plagiarism". Another [censored] group she invented.

Tsk tsk Lesley, please cease and desist your foul and evil butchery of the English language! Ah and this is very dismaying indeed! And thing the last, the only true bullying, stalking and harassing that has been done has been done by Lesley, by her false names, her sock puppet accounts on a variety of websites. It has been done to those who have called a spade a spade, dragged and plagiarizing another into the light of day, and have been abused and tormented by it endlessly. I feel I will have to take advantage of this wonderful free blog system to unveil the ugly truth of the real name behind the hurts & harms. I do wish she would just grow the [censored] up.

LJ cymraes
ruthin castle wales, GB
Sep 14, 2023 8:38 am EDT

This was written by joanne nelson peighton uk and here is what Ms Jackson has to say about this vile stalker

Oh my dearest Joanne, most beloved lackey liar the reaI Lady Raven Avalon you have closed your fake page on Facebook why? No matter, let me correct you on a few things that you can pass on to my beloved.

Thing the first, that yes the truth did come out and that truth was not the false one that you wished to promote, but rather the one that I went to Facebook and’s own legal teams over, and that they deemed so true that they removed all comments referring to anyone’s birth names, home addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses and personal sexual choices. Lies are not Truths and that was a lesson my beloved learned harshly this weekend. REMOVED YOUR STALKING AND LIES

Thing the second, that she choose to post and quite falsely make accusations that anyone might be gay or lesbian lovers, and that somehow, even if they were, that this was something that needed to be outed to the world as if such a thing was wrong just smacks of homophobia and reflects very poorly on my beloved. In fact, such a remark can be seen as defamation and thus is a civil offense. This too was something that both Facebook and Amazon’s legal teams found repulsive and in violation of their sites TOS, and thus were removed.

And thing the last, the only true bullying, stalking and harassing that has been done has been done by You - a cheat and a keyboard warrior who closed the fake BRC of which YOU are admin on fb theft of anothers images and stalking for 10 years. My dearest & most beloved Lady, where have you gone? I miss you as the flower misses the rain, as the cock must have his hen, as the flowers miss their bees! No more foul or vomit inducing literary abortions in the guise of comments! Tsk tsk Joanne defaming others for your ego. And before anyone thinks ill of me and that I might be picking on someone with, oh perhaps a supposed learning disability, banish the thought from your mind my beloved! I am just simply trying to correct your lies. I feel I will have to take advantage of this wonderful free complaint to show who is behind it. The true farce is the one being played out with your vile attacks and fake complaint about one person. SO LUCY BLACKTHORN of IE let us unmask your ugliness the truth you are Joanne Nelson from Peignton Uk and you know me well

shall we look at yet more of your lies 11:11 Psychics [protected] Siobhan Moore Whelan — fake psychic

Joanne Nelson was contacted privately about this and ongoing lies and defamation and for hiding behind a troll name for over a decade to harm another. A coward! Should be institutionalized.

A keyboard warrior of no importance really in this life so she makes up names to give herself a purpose.

yours Ivanna

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devon news
devon news
Torbay, GB
Sep 07, 2022 2:21 pm EDT

joanne nelson you are lying

Joanne Nelson The Devon Stalker from Paignton/Torbay Cyberstalker files review: joanne nelson case of caught cyberbullies & trolls

the public and locals in Devon need to be aware of this behaviour just as we report on sex offenders

Justice Cometh
ottowa, CA
Sep 06, 2022 12:19 pm EDT

DIRTY [censored] TROLL. another fake stalker caught - a kiss with out a squeeze…. wink emoticon more dirty tricks! go and see Oh this is sooooo funny *chortle! prolific stalker a a mental health assessment team is needed for joanne nelson. About 16 other victims were also targeted by lucy blackthorne or as we now know joanne nelson from Torbay/Torquay Devon

Countless abusive or threatening troll accounts she hid behind acts of criminal damage "Throughout this, reality has been denied," Joanne Nelson hiding behind her variety of troll names we must ask " where is any logical judgement in these matters? Why does anyone stalk?

joanne nelson :There aren’t many things that make a person feel more helpless than being stalked and harassed by a mentally unbalanced individual. A stalker’s obsession with their victim can be so strong that any rejection of their unwanted advances can lead to violence and they will often have little regard for the legal consequences

Did this woman truly believe she would never be caught?


Why joanne stalked her victim

being stalked by obsessive fans or stalking someone you want to be and could never ever live up to

devon news
devon news
Torbay, GB
Sep 07, 2022 2:13 pm EDT

Joanne Nelson The Devon Stalker from Paignton/Torbay Cyberstalker files review: joanne nelson case of caught cyberbullies & trolls

Devon News - Devon resident Joanne Nelson stalker & cybertroll

Joanne Nelson of Paignton Dorset United Kingdom TQ3 3AB

Location: Where is Paignton?

Paignton is located in the county of Devon, South West England, three miles south-west of the town of Torquay, 20 miles south of the major city of Exeter, 74 miles south of Cardiff, and 168 miles south-west of London. Paignton falls within the unitary authority of Torbay. It is in the TQ3 postcode district. The post town for Paignton is Paignton.

Devon News have located the infamous Deavon Stalker Joanne Nelson a "troll" for over a decade. (troll: one who makes up a false name and identity to harm others)

This legal guidance addresses behaviour which is repeated and unwanted by the victim and which causes the victim alarm or distress. Cases involving stalking and harassment by Joanne Nelson of several victims over a period of a decade. Joanne "trolled" under a variety of false names to consciously attack and degrade under Lucy Blackthorne, several of her victime have come forward.

The term harassment is used to cover the 'causing alarm or distress' offences under section 2 of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 as amended (PHA), and 'putting people in fear of violence' offences under section 4 of the PHA. The term can also include harassment by two or more defendants against an individual or harassment against more than one victim.

Joanne under her keyboard warrior name "Lucy Blackthorne" and "byk Wyrm" has been proven to be one of these venomous stalkers whereby legally has broken several laws.

The elements of section 1(1A) offence are:

a course of conduct;

which involves harassment of two or more persons; and

which the defendant knows or ought to know involves harassment of those persons;

by which he intends to persuade any person (whether or not one of those mentioned above);

not to do something that he is entitled or required to do; or

to do something that he is not under any obligation to do.

Stalking - harassment which involves a course of conduct that amounts to stalking (s.2A(1) PHA 1997)

Stalking - s.4A (1) PHA 1997 which can be committed two ways namely:

- Stalking involving fear of violence (s.4A(1)(b)(i) PHA 1997) OR

- Stalking involving serious alarm or distress (s.4A(1)(b)(ii) PHA 1997)

The new stalking offences highlighted:

Stalking as a specific behaviour as opposed to harassment more generally.

Closed the lacuna when a course of conduct fell short of causing a victim to feel fear of violence but nevertheless caused a victim serious alarm or distress. (In this circumstance the police and prosecutors could only consider a section 2 summary offence).

The additional element in the new section 4A offence enable cases to be prosecuted when the defendant's behaviour falls short of fear of violence.

Affords more protection to victims of stalking.

Shocking disclosure of Joanne Nelson have come forth to The Devon News from several sources.

Stalking is illegal however, it is unethical and moreover cowardly. Joanne Nelson Torbay has broken more laws than most and it is this we are reporting.

Stalking is not legally defined but section 2A (3) of the PHA 1997 lists a number of examples of behaviours associated with stalking. The list is not an exhaustive one but gives an indication of the types of behaviour that may be displayed in a stalking offence. The listed behaviours are:

(a) following a person,

(b) contacting, or attempting to contact, a person by any means,

(c) publishing any statement or other material relating or purporting to relate to a person, or purporting to originate from a person,

(d) monitoring the use by a person of the internet, email or any other form of electronic communication,

(e) loitering in any place (whether public or private),

(f) interfering with any property in the possession of a person,

(g) watching or spying on a person.

Harassment that includes one or more of the above features is not automatically stalking. The course of conduct, assessed in the round, must fit the generally received interpretation of the word 'stalking'.

Evidence and documentation were received in The Devon News about this horrific obsessive defamation of several victims, including theft of copyright by one particular victim whom had private photographs, copywritten imagery and private information stolen and placed on line.

Another victim who contacted The Devon News from America is a transgender woman who became suicidal due to this ongoing pityful attack by Nelson. Yet another victim provided The Devon News with absolute proof of attacks ongoing over a 5 year period.

Joanne, a mother of three, broke several laws:

Section 7(3A) provides that conduct by one person shall also be taken to be conduct by another if the other has aided, abetted, counselled or procured the conduct. It makes it clear that a campaign of collective harassment by two or more people can amount to a "course of conduct". It also confirms that one person can pursue a course of conduct by committing one act personally and arranging for another person to commit another act.

Joanne Nelson was aided and abetted by others however, due to ongoing investigation by the police, we are unable to post on this issue.

A woman from Devon deliberately went on a "stalking rampage" behind the pretense of being "lucy blackthorne" whereby she told her victime to:

"kill themselves"

"lock themselves up for being a transexual and bitter remarks under her troll guise"

"she insisted to yet another victim that they were "not worth the air they breath"

The threats from Joanne Nelson were so graphic one has to believe she would never be caught.

The Devon News can only publish that which will not interfere with the legal system of the UK. However, disgust and transparency is our duty to the Devon public.

It must be truly blood chilling thing to discover a faceless stranger who wants to do you and your family serious harm, knows exactly where you live, and makes up stories and a false identity in order to do so.

On contacting a local renowned Psychiatrist in Devon he stated "One problem is that stalking requires long-term treatment, something not possible under the short periods that courts typically sentence stalkers. Society needs to know the person behind the mask, naming and shaming and to make Devon residents of the actions of Joanne Nelson.

Joanne Nelson, a mother of three, consciously took on false names and profiles in order to harm others. Society needs to better protect victims of stalkers. Above all, family courts must come to understand that intimate partner stalkers should not have any contact with former partners, should be prevented from misusing the legal system, and should have no contact with their children. We can affirm Joanne Nelson is still in contact with her children which is not acceptable in today's society.

The Devon News must inform our locals and society in general, Joanne Nelson is a threat to herself and to others. It is our duty to out criminal internet stalkers just as it is our duty to out sex offenders. here seems to be a consensus that stalkers do have significant mental health problems, the fact that treatment seldom curbs the stalkers suggests that there is no idea on how to treat them. One problem is that stalking requires long-term treatment, something not possible under the short periods that courts typically sentence stalkers. Society needs to better protect victims of stalkers.

Joanne Nelson can be found socially at this link

link on facebook

If you have any further information please contact the Editor at The Devon News

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Family member of the victim
dublin, IE
Sep 06, 2022 8:17 am EDT

Joanne Nelson stalked and bullied for a decade. The above review is "fantasy" she never rang this woman, she couldn't. The service this [censored]head is talking about is "not available in her country". All calls to this service are monitored and callers numbers retained on file.

There is one word that comes to mind

"a stalker horrendous! Joanne Nelson from peighton in UK a vile unruly "nut case" threatens under the name of Lucy Blackthorne and what a sewer mouth."

This hideous staker makes comments about recognising the her home, her work, books she has written and even books she has not written. She made several troll accounts, new accounts to follow me after she was blocked on social media, keeps pestering mutual friends about this woman. She can not have possible got a reading as she states "she is a blatant liar".

Unhappy with this joanne nelson has "stolen images belonging to this author - seen above" including private images to bully lie and harass for 10 years or more

She is a creepy lying stalker. The images above are not hers, her ridiculous statement about this company is sheer lunacy and can easily be proven however, Joanne nelson has disappeared under her rock again believing "that is that".

Her IMAGINARY review, her theft of images which are also defiled, her delusional trolling is not only . overstepping several boundaries . Like, it’s scary, because his thoughts don’t it is an illegal gesture made by a obsessive nobodyl

Joanne Nelson even went one further and contacted a member of this womans family with her bile. . My own relationship here is with the victim who is a blood relation who has had enough of this fool, uneducated [censored]ic stalker who is evidentle fragile of mind, who required her dainty dose of hatred which pushed her further than most.

The show is now firmly on the other foot Joanne Nelson no more of your defamation, theft of her property, and plagiarism! You have put yourself in this spotlight and if justice is serviced you will become a mere morsel for another deranged predator to hunt.

shame shame shame

The troll who was caught. If you ever felt your troll names were to be found out perhaps you would not have committed this illegal offence. However, with your past track record in other areas of your dismal life, I doubt it.

manchester hospital, GB
Sep 01, 2022 12:20 pm EDT

from a family member Nurse in the NHS

we are deeply saddened by this recent reveal that our sister Joanne Nelson has cyberstalked for a decade. Words escape us. No excuses can make up for this behavior. Sickened and ashamed of joanne nelson. The fact you believed you could tell a woman to "kill herself" alone can not be forgiven. We want nothing more to do with you.

seek help sister

Not for the first time we have spoken to you about this. We apologise to the victim however, know we are removing her form our family


manchester gal
manchester, GB
Aug 30, 2022 8:50 am EDT

what the f is wrong with you joanne nelson? stealing others private photos and lying. thank god you got psychiatric help. what about your children? FFS you risk their future by creating fake names to harm others pathetic little rat

manchester hospital, GB
Sep 01, 2022 12:22 pm EDT

all i can say as her sister is i am disgusted. as a nurse i work with people who are traumatised and for my own sister to do this it is abhorrant. sincere apologies for her wicked and cowardly behaviour


manchester gal
manchester, GB
Aug 30, 2022 8:48 am EDT

you are a common thief and a coward joanne

The Family Ancestors
london, GB
Aug 08, 2022 12:16 pm EDT
Verified customer This comment was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Joanne Nelson from peighton in UK a vile unruly "nut case" threatens under the name of Lucy Blackthorne and what a sewer mouth. She runs the rogue group BLACK RAVEN COVEN on facebook with her cohorts who are also administrators of Pagans Against Plagiarism. This fool lives in the UK

black raven coven homepage link

owned and run by Joanne Nelson, Lesley Jackson, Boudica Foster, Shullie Porter, Chris Walker who all write! So the books are actually theirs. What a marketing scam in the pagan community.

"bustin chops is off the net closed for stalking, harassment, defamation, plagiarism and the police are totally aware of the disgraceful pityful 70 year old stalking troll

NAME lesley ann jackson shropshire

Lesley Jackson

Cymraes corner


a twisted and bitter woman who is an admin of pagans against plagiarizm (taken down after police investigated this troll)

also an admin of Black Raven Coven you do the maths and accused of plagiarizm herself

administrators of Black Raven Coven is the admin and owner or actually is pagans against plagiarism. How many books here are yours boudica foster? you do the maths

we know who you are and joanne nelson, lesley jackson, c lynch monks, shullie porter and boudica foster plus a few other names we have done our research there never was a raven avalon you made it up then used this in pagans against plagiarism to sell your own books!

vile content taken down written by lesley ann jackson from shropshire admin of Pagans against Plagiarism taken down by the law! nice! you are busted! this goon also runs cymraes corner where she lords over her ego at nearly 70 years of age who is behind bustin chops you would think she had better things to do the family Image 1 - page closed due to police intervention

shullie h porter of shullie porter (shulls) another member of both groups why? oh she is a writer too lol

image 2 another troll & creature from hell

joanne nelson aka cyberbully

link on facebook

cyberbully name is Lucy Blackthorne

Where peighton Uk

Link to her trolling & nonsense

her comment: under her troll name

LucyBlackthorne of IE

Mar 17, 2017 4:46 am EDT

Review updated: Aug 01, 2022

Featured review

Siobhan Moore Whelan runs a psychic phone scam out of Ireland. Anyone who questions her gets abused. She reads peoples Facbook statuses and feeds them back this information as messages from dead loved ones. she steals others works, plagiarising and posting as her own. She's a fake. I phoned her and it cost me more than just money. She read back to me a whole load of lies, she'd made up, and when I said so, she took at me like a howling banshee. she then contacted my family and sent them threatening messages and threatened me too. she's horrible. she has loads of fake accounts to send people nasty messages. then blocks them.


"Answer: Lucy Blackthorne this is a legal remit as discussed about your ongoing vile stalking & lies. Full transparancy.

Name: Joanne Nelson states on complaint from Ireland she is from the United Kingdom (can not use this service she complained about as does not service the UK)

Type: Stalker & vile tongued liar who is delusional.

"on contacting Joanne Nelson to inform her that we knew of her identity she went on a disgusting, vile rant with words nobody could repeat who has any integrity. She knew she was busted.

Her claim: So she could not have rang this service from the UK and all telephone numbers are retained by the company.

She claims that this company and owner are a fake when ipso facto Lucy Blackthorn (a bottomfeeder) aka Joanne Nelson is the fake!

More nonsence from Joanne Nelson:

One would have to seriously question her sanity. She can't be normal. Google Lucy Blackthorne and follow her inane rantings.

Joanne Nelson states in this complaint

" She's a fake. I phoned her and it cost me more than just money. She read back to me a whole load of lies, she'd made up, and when I said so, she took at me like a howling banshee. she then contacted my family and sent them threatening messages and threatened me too. she's horrible. she has loads of fake accounts to send people nasty messages. then blocks them." lucy blackthorne


It is disgusting that a silly vile mouthed idiot can post false claims on this or any other site that are defamatory and blatant lies. It is also important to know that Joanne Nelson is the owner of Black Raven Coven if you follow her forked-tongued attacks! Delusional and perhaps insane.


Joanne Nelson was contacted privately about this and ongoing lies and defamation and for hiding behind a troll name for over a decade to harm another. A coward! Should be institutionalized.

A keyboard warrior of no importance really in this life so she makes up names to give herself a purpose.

FINAL THOUGHT: 1 image 1

Joanne nelson tries to be someone and always has and failed. She used images of herself takes over 20 years ago still so people are attracted to her pages.

The real Joanne Nelson

You are a coward, a liar and should be removed from every part of the internet. You put on your alter-ego Lucy Blackthorne and you let rip with your vile cowardly tongue.

Transparancy: Meet the troll behind this fake review. Blatant fantasy world Joanne. You have been busted . a scornful delusional egotist! delighted she caught in this blatant lie.

she has been outed before follow this link:

the best has to be this one administrator of both Black Raven Coven Homepage, writer & administrator of Pagans against plagiarism?

pagans against plagiarism is boudica foster administrator and also writer. She is also the administrator of Black Raven Coven and has gone out of her way so the truth is hidden

so how many books have you written under fake names?

lesley jackson or lesleyann jackson writes under the pen name cymraes corner another filth site like the one taken down Bustin' chops. It's time for the truth to be told! It's time for divination of the truth! The time has come for all to know the truth No more hiding in the shadows. A lot of people care about this now is the time

so mote it be

the family

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manchester gal
manchester, GB
Aug 30, 2022 8:53 am EDT › http-wwwirelandlo...

Joanne Nelson from peighton in UK a vile unruly "nut case" threatens under the name of Lucy Blackthorne and what a sewer mouth.

am happy you are getting the help you require.

manchester gal
manchester, GB
Aug 30, 2022 8:56 am EDT

found this on filthfinders the right place for a troll to be listed it states

"Joanne Nelson was contacted privately about this and ongoing lies and defamation and for hiding behind a troll name for over a decade to harm another. A coward! Should be institutionalized."

must share with those who know joanne. she needs help

Magical Protection Or
, US
Oct 22, 2017 12:43 pm EDT

joanne nelson Fraud Alert!

Lesley Jackson founder ex fluffy bunny fraud alert "warlock & traitor" ACOW
Fraud alert everyone take heed

Fraud Alert Pagans Against plagiarism all pagans take heed

manchester gal
manchester, GB
Aug 30, 2022 8:47 am EDT

There are trolls online. Not the fairytale kind that sits under bridges: we’re talking about the mean, nasty individuals who use online anonymity to be cruel, spread their own brand of hate, destroy reputations and products, and generally try to upset and crush as many people and companies as they possibly can. I know joanne nelson and I am not surprised at all.

To torment, ridicule, spread lies, deceive and cause damage, under a false name is miserable, obnoxious and to use a troll name or anonymity to shed their veneer of decency and show their ugly selves. Believe me, she is a ugly person. Trolls are basically cyberbullies on steroids – cowards afraid to show their face but nastier and more dedicated than garden-variety bullies. They are often fairly tech savvy, willing to dig up a comment or information from your past to distort, thereby “justifying” their actions.

Joanne nelson I know you well. This action that you carried out under your troll name to a victimise and poola public forum they usually want an audience; All too frequently, you see cases where others pile on with additional nasty comments. To boil it down you are a bloody coward and I for one, know you and am not at all surprised! You always loved drama just like your Mother. Always in the middle of chaos.

Trolls want far more than just an emotional reaction. What they want is to control the conversation. Their hope is to either suppress, misinform, or distract from the original post. They want people to stop talking about whatever is the issue and be more concerned or enraged by their comment.

joanne It’s absloutely disgusting. What the actual F is wrong with you? A mother of three young children acting like a cowardly pig. I am not surprised you were “sectioned” and am happy that your sick secret has been uncovered for the world to see. I hope the social workers check in on those poor children. God help them with you as a mother.

By joanne nelson or lucy blackthorne pathetic troll who can be found here

A relation
torquay , CM2 8PT, GB
Sep 01, 2022 11:47 am EDT

i know this unhinged woman and am not a tad surprised by anything that is said about her. She deserves to "have the book thrown at her" sneeky little snake. Joanne nelson is from torquay/torbay area and always in trouble.

for person to cyberbully another it shows her true colors. Dark disman and psychologically tainted. Happy she was caught doing the most cowardly thing one human can do to another CYBERSTALK

Spotted Torquay - Please post.i have received this today... › spottedtorquay › posts

22 Jul 2019 — You will get another letter tomorrow telling you they will give you one last chance before it goes to court.. 3 yrs Report. Joanne Nelson ...

links to this animal

Morgan Ave, Torquay cordoned off by police | Facebook › ...

Morgan Ave, Torquay cordoned off by police. ... Spotted Torquay, profile picture · Spotted Torquay ... Joanne Nelson, profile picture. Joanne Nelson.

people like you should be put in the stocks!

, US
Apr 29, 2017 3:21 pm EDT

very funny are your posts tyring ta make you famous

manchester gal
manchester, GB
Aug 30, 2022 8:53 am EDT

why else would anyone be so sick in the head?

A relation
torquay , CM2 8PT, GB
Sep 01, 2022 11:48 am EDT

you hit the nail on the head joanne nelson is a very ill woman